Acupuncture Is Effective For A Variety Of Painful Conditions
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Acupuncture Studies in North America including those by Hopkins Medicine have shown that acupuncture (TCM) is effective for a variety of painful conditions like headaches, neck pain, and arthritis to name a few.
Acupuncture, part of the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese medicine, is the practice of penetrating the skin with thin metallic needles to relieve the patient from chronic pain.
There are over 2,000 acupuncture points in the body connected by pathways or meridians. These meridians or pathways create an energy flow (Qi, pronounced “chee”) all through the body and when one of them get disrupted, it can cause pain and often disease. So to manipulate these pressure point through the use of acupuncture, it is possible to overall health.
Is the Acupuncture Procedure Painful Itself?
Most people who have opted to try acupuncture to relieve them from may painful conditions like arthritis, report that they feel minimal pain when the needle is inserted.
There is an initial sensation of pressure or ache when the sterilized needle is inserted, but very mild. The needles can also be heated during acupuncture to make them feel more energized and thus work better.
It is very important to seek acupuncture treatment in Red Deer from a qualified acupuncturist. If you have questions reach out to Red Deer Acupuncture for a free consultation.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) studies have proven that acupuncture is now an effective treatment for may painful conditions not just those that cause pain. Here are a few things that acupuncture may treat:
- Nausea (caused by surgical anesthesia and cancer chemotherapy)
- Dental pain after surgery
- Certain Addictions
- Headaches
- Menstrual cramps
- Tennis elbow
- Fibromyalgia
- Osteoarthritis
- Low back pain
- Chronic pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Asthma
- Stroke rehabilitation
Discuss Acupuncture With Your Doctor
It may be a good idea to discuss acupuncture with your doctor before trying it. Acupuncture is not for everyone
Don’t forget to mention to your doctor all the other treatments you are undergoing and prescription medicines you are currently taking like dietary supplements, and over-the-counter supplements.
Also, if you have a heart condition and wear a pacemaker, or are pregnant, or have been diagnosed with Covid-19, be sure to tell your acupuncturist before booking an appointment. Acupuncture may be risky to you and others if you fail to mention any of these important matters.
Licensed Acupuncture Services in Red Deer
There are many licensed acupuncture services in Red Deer like Flying Turtle Acupuncture, that have insurance coverage if you wish to go that route.

Before starting any acupuncture treatments, ask the acupuncturist (Dr Arlo) about the number of treatments that you may need for your condition and how much the treatments will cost.
Many businesses in Alberta have health insurance that will cover the cost of your acupuncture treatments. Call Flying Turtle Acupuncture Services in Red Deer to find out more – | 403-343-1539 | 3 6828 50th ave Red Deer Alberta T4N 4E3
Here is a list of some of the insurance companies that cover acupuncture in Red Deer, Alberta:
- Alberta Blue Cross (effective May 07, 2018)
- Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance
- Green Shield
- SSQ Financial Group
- Cowan
- Co-operators
- Desjardins Insurance
- NexgenzRx
- First Canadian
- Equitable Life
- Great-West Life
- Industrial Alliance
- Johnson Inc.
- Johnson Group Inc.
- Manulife Financial
- Maximum Benefit
- Sun Life Financial