Use Acupuncture With Massage Therapy
- 24
- Apr
It’s very common in Red Deer for people to use acupuncture along with massage therapy to enhance their existing acupuncture treatment sessions – Bookings: 403-343-1539
When pain relievers no longer work, give massage and acupuncture together a try. Most people book an acupuncture session this week and their massage session next week to keep the body and immune system in tip top shape.
Acupuncture and Massage Combined
Massage is great for relieving pain the muscle tissue while acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can relieve many more conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia.
Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese Medicine that operates with the premise that every form of illness in the human body is caused by an energy imbalance.
So by scheduling an acupuncture treatment in Red Deer, this will be your first effective step towards managing any type of pain (acute and chronic) you may be experiencing through the use of acupuncture and massage combined.
Acupuncture is also good for painful conditions like arthritis, headaches, sinus, sciatica, abdominal problems, depression, and PTSD to name a few. Massage can be used to combat any problematic areas that acupuncture may not work for like muscle tissue and other soft spots injuries.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture, an ancient part of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been practiced worldwide for thousands of years, is based on a flow of qi (chee) throughout the entire body. This qi flows through different parts of the body along defined pathways called meridians. When there is open and clear flow of qi there is no pain or dysfunction, when the qi is blocked there is pain and dysfunction.
Massage Has Many Therapeutic Benefits
Massage Therapy has many therapeutic benefits to allow you to have an overall better lifestyle and feeling of well being.
Massage can help ease painful muscles and joints in the back, legs, arms, neck, and shoulders. Wherever you feel tension, or injury due to walking or some sports injury, Red Deer Massage Clinic can help!
Give Bell a call at your convenience, at the Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture and Massage clinic. Bell will give you a great massage with many therapeutic benefits. Help ease painful muscles and joints in the back, legs, arms, neck, and shoulders – wherever you feel tension, or injury or if you just need help to relax – Bell is the best!
Contact your local registered RMT in Red Deer today to find out more about Massage Therapy – 403-343-1539